This blog site has been a great thing for me. I have learned so much about myself by actually writing about my thoughts. It has opened my mind to how I really feel about life and the world around me.
I have been experimenting more and more with web design and development. I can’t wait until I finally finish my site’s final design. There are so many resources that I have used in order to create the final look of the site. When I get a moment or possibly the next day that I have off I will try my best to create a simple tutorial on how to create a simple local server to test websites. Granted there are plenty of tutorials out there as well but this one will be more suited to me since it dealt with my experience.
The one thing that I am debating is what fonts I want to use because there are so many elements that I want to include but I don’t want to throw off the feel of the site entirely. As many people have come to know I have fallen head over heels about type. I am in the midst of creating a post about how type has influenced my daily life. Yes, it does sound a little odd but it will make sense when it is finally published.
Recently, I have been looking at lines of code in order to create my site. Some of the things that I have learned are that I need to read more and more. Not just code but books and articles in general. I have so many unfinished books on the shelf that they have practically gained weight from all the dust they have collected.
The other thing that struck me as interesting while redesigning my site was looking at exactly what I post and how I can stylize how I like it. There are several things that I post but I know I don’t use the full potential of WordPress when I could be. I have learned about the subtle differences between digital publishing and physical but that will be for my type posting.
In the meantime I will keep reading about programming, art, design, type and how to merge them together into one good-looking blog that I call my own.