Recently I have been working more diligently on putting some finishing touches on my personal blog’s theme. Working on a local machine is so much easier now that I understand how it works. I remember when I started out with PHP it was painful.
I got frustrated because I didn’t know where the files had to go at first, the changes I had made to the configuration weren’t taking effect and random little things that almost discouraged me from continuing.
The other day I was reading on the WordPress forums seeing if there was somebody I could help. One thing leads to another and I wind up looking at frameworks, plugins and template tags. Now, I have posted something pretty similar to this before because it was a bit of a rant when I saw somebody posting code I felt was not good practice but that is besides the point at the moment.
What I really want to get to is why I’m writing about template tags. They are an extremely useful thing to know – to some. WordPress has several template tags at your disposal and I love it. There are however some that I have seen in some themes that I would love to use in some of my themes down the road.
A perfect example is using a template tag for navigational links. WordPress has a really good template tag:
< ?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
Simple. It does the job: create navigational links for more posts. I feel the downside to that is that it is all in one container. Yes, there are ways around it by creating your own template tag (which a lot of people seem to do) and use that instead. But what to use? I like the Kubrick method of navigational links where rather than using the one
you use two in one. Creating a previous and next link is easy. A better way of doing this is if you are using just the bare minimum amount of files in a WordPress theme is using conditionals to create the navigational links for certain looks.
< ?php /* Create page navigation and post navigation * depending on what is being viewed. */ if ( is_single() ) { ?>< ?php } else { ?> < ?php } // end else statement
The little snippet works fairly decent but it is a little cluttered. It can be simplified a little more so that the only things that change are the
div>s containing the actual links. So we can modify it to:
< ?php /* Create page navigation and post navigation * depending on what is being viewed. */