Recently I was in the middle of creating a theme that had support for a front page and blog with featured posts that displayed in a certain manner. I read up on how to create a new WP_Query and felt pretty confident I would be able to get the desired results. Yeah, I was a little wrong. I got results but what ended up happening was that some of the posts were being place in the wrong sequence.
I got frustrated and had to take some time away from it. I turned to my source of inspiration and motivation: theme reviews. One of the themes that I reviewed used a method that I wanted. I looked at how they coded it and as it turns out it was the way I thought. New WP_Query object and
I tried using the code and wondered what would happen if there were no sticky posts. I thought about this only because by default WordPress only creates one post and there are no sticky posts. What did it return? It for some reason returned all posts. The code was fairly simple:
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 10, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post__in' => get_option('sticky_posts') ); $fPosts = new WP_Query( $args ); $countPosts = $fPosts->found_posts; if ( $countPosts > 1 ) { // run code for slider }
The downside to this is that
is not the amount of sticky posts. It kept driving my crazy when I had no sticky posts because it would return all posts. I was about ready to punch a wall. Such a simple thing and I couldn’t figure it out.
I read the WordPress docs about the WP_Query and noticed that the function
get_option( 'sticky_posts' )
creates an array of posts. That’s when the light bulb turned on and I altered the code.