I know it does sound funny to those that have known me for several years but that is how I view myself sometimes. I don’t mean that I am a beginner but I want to be one. I mean this in the most positive way I can think of.
A few years ago I was watching a documentary about the guitar. It opened my eyes to a slightly different way of thinking and looking at some things in my life. The person that really made me think most was Carlos Santana. Not too shocking since I fell in love with his guitar style of playing nearly a decade ago. He said that when plays the guitar he plays it like it’s his first time playing ( Or at least along those lines ).
This is often how I feel. The reason is because I think that there are several ways of doing one thing. Much like in PhotoShop there is more than one way of removing the background from an image. Yeah, each has their positive and negative but in the end they all get the same result. This is true when working with WordPress.
Recently I posted how to create a sticky post slider. I mentioned that another way of creating it would be to use get_posts rather than modifying the query. That is one way; another would be using query_posts and then of course there is what seems to be the more popular way of just getting a specific category or categories. There is nothing wrong with those methods. Each one has its own pitfalls and each one has their own feat. It is all a matter of preference.
What has brought this up is last week I was doing yet another WordPress theme review and saw a method that was new to me. It actually dealt with the WordPress theme customizer. It gave me an idea of how I could potentially use the customizer to include widgets or not. The other options was to display the copyright information on the footer.
Which then sparked an idea to create a plugin that has the ability to display the widgetized area on a single post or not, which actually could be attainable by using a simple conditional check for a theme option. And now I’m slowly trailing off.
The reason I say that I will always be a novice is because I want to be. It does sound a little odd to say but it is true. The reason is that I want to always be learning. The moment I feel like I have nothing left to learn that is when my brain wants to stop working and that is big no-no in my book. I want to always stimulate my brain and keep gathering information, methods and tons of new ideas.
The brain should always be focused and challenged on a daily basis.