Let me give you a little bit of a back story first.
2 years ago
I began posting on the WordPress.org forums to help people out. I would only post on things that I knew for sure I knew the answers to or would help out. It felt like it at the time. Who knows really. It was, after all, two years ago. Not only that I would only really post at most twice a week. It was fine only because I didn’t have a goal in mind.
Yes and no. I had a goal in mind: to help; to share my knowledge. A lot has changed since then of course. Now, I have a slightly different goal in mind: make a career out of helping people. Yes, it may sound a little cheesy but it is true. A lot of it does stem from working at Starbucks. Many of the ‘regulars’ know that I won’t lie to them and will try my hardest to find something they will like. Now, I’m getting a little sidetracked.
Push forward
Over those last two years I kept mentioning a theme I was working on. Funny thing is I did and I didn’t. Part of that reason was I kept putting it aside. I would do a theme review, post a solution to the forums or see how I could help out somebody in the IRC channels. You know what? I loved every encounter and every sentence I wrote and read. So really it’s hard to be upset. I learned a lot from it all. Not just WordPress but programming in general.
Yes, I did also pick up a few other things along the way like the basics of SVN and Git and how to create a simple repository with those tools.
It’s safe to say the last two years I have been fairly busy. I have reviewed more themes, posted more often on the forums, make an attempt to post on IRC more frequently and have the honor of being one of the Theme Review Team reps. It’s been an awesome year for me so far.
Say what?
Up until recently I never really said much about my theme. Yeah, I posted one or two photos of what it might look like but never any code. Okay maybe some code but never really said it was.
I began my theme with one thing in mind: simplicity. It sounds overly repetitive since a lot of themes claim the same thing. You know what? That’s fine. Over time I realized one thing: I don’t want complete simplicity. It would be nice to have but I don’t think I would achieve it without deleting the entire project. I mean how much simpler can you get with no code?
So, here goes, what I have been working on/off for the last year or so: Solea
Yeah, it’s not finished. There are a few things missing here and there but you know what? It can be expanded upon.