It has been a long time coming but I am finally beginning to clear out a lot of posts from this site. Yes, a lot of site cleaning. The reason for this is because over the last three years I had my site hosted on I made a lot posts that really didn’t pertain to the direction I wanted to take.
The reason I made the site was to explore and learn. Along the way I posted personal things I know I should have put on my hosted site instead.
In the following weeks I’ll be making a lot of changes to that and have begun removing a lot of posts and I mean a lot. There are several images that I will have to re-upload and a lot more things to take care of but for the most part I’ll be chipping away slowly. I think the biggest one will be change to the code syntax highlighting done in a lot of the posts. I may just use gists for that but for the time being they will be broken.
Along side that I’ll be taking the steps to committing more code to the WordPress theme I began long ago. I’ll be refactoring a lot of that code and simplifying by removing some files. I don’t know that’s still up in the air but will try to also add support for EDD somehow.