The other day I got a chance to rewrite a bit of code. It was fun. It dealt with changing from an object to an associative array. It may sound super easy for some but for my mind it took a little bit to figure out the right way of creating a good way of filtering that out.

The issue was creating a good way to not only create a layout array with information but a decent way of a theme or plugin to filter it out. Creating some defaults was the easy part. I knew wp_parse_args would be a good solution to filling in any missing information. So I quickly began with what information was actually needed:

$defaults = apply_filters( 'jmc_layout_args', array(
	'layout_name'      => '',
	'layout_label'     => '',
	'image_src'        => '%s',
	'is_global_layout' => false,
	'is_post_layout'   => true,

Worked great for setting the main defaults. The next part was making sure the needed layout was filterable. Of course I had to use a foreach loop to iterate over that.

foreach ( $layouts as $id => $info ) {
	$layouts[ $id ] = wp_parse_args( $info, $defaults );

Cool. I managed to get the layout with some default information if nothing was passed. Well, what happens if you wanted to edit a particular layout’s data? I looked a little closer and realized I could pass one more argument to apply_filters. Yep!

foreach ( $layouts as $id => $info ) {
	$defaults = apply_filters( 'jmc_layout_args', array(
		'layout_name'      => '',
		'layout_label'     => '',
		'image_src'        => '%s',
		'is_global_layout' => false,
		'is_post_layout'   => true,
	), $id );
	$layouts[ $id ] = wp_parse_args( $info, $defaults );

Awesome! And with that we can now filter out not only the default arguments passed but on a layout basis if wanted by a theme or plugin.

Let’s say we have three layouts and wanted to change one. We would use something like:

add_filter( 'jmc_layout_args', function( $args, $id ) {
	if ( $id == 'three column' ) {
		return array(
		'is_global_layout' => true,
		'is_post_layout'   => false,
	return $args;
}, 10, 2 );

Quick, simple, and a little dirty.