This morning I woke up like I usually do around 4:15. Actually got out of bed like ten minutes later. Went to my desktop and when I went to log back in I saw that everything was somewhat reset.
Turns out there was an update that had been run.
Now, I don’t mind those but when things get broken, that’s when I get a little upset. You see when I looked at what programs were running I saw that a few were no longer running. The main two were Sublime Text and Local by Flywheel.
I reopened Local and it asked me to install.
Big old pile of nope.
How did this happen?
So I think initially that it upgraded to the latest version. No. That wasn’t it either as it continued to install version 2.4.6 on my computer. Odd in that it wasn’t the latest which I’m currently fine with. So I then look and it turns out the containers are missing.
All the sites I has on there were now missing.
I’m not angry, I’m just upset now.
Reason being is that those are still there it just can’t find them. So now I have to connect them all.
This will be a fun day.