I’m really bad at updating this site. I know. A lot of it being I just haven’t been able to really jot things down here.
Over the years I’ve posted several things. Many were to keep track of things I learned. There were some that were possibly random. Again, I learned from that. As this year start to come to an “end” I think about this site and the content I want to be posting.
For me, this site was a test. To get more and more familiar with WordPress and how things worked with code. I’ve learned quite a lot too along the way. The biggest one being how themes are loaded and function. There is a lot of magic that goes on. It’s super crazy and cool to see the code that runs so many sites on this crazy place we call the web.
I was also able to meet a lot of super amazingly talented people along the way. There are still a lot of people I will meet and I do look forward to meeting all of them too.
I keep getting a bit sidetracked on this too.
As the years went by, I wanted to keep learning new things. I looked at random online course that I could take on. Yes, there are quite a few out there some are really good. Some are just okay in that I would just copy the code, make a small edit, paste and not really learn much from it. Other than keyboard shortcuts are super nice for things like that.
The other day I was looking over some of the places I had enrolled in or rather had my name attached to. 3 sites that I found in my password manager. I’m sure there are a few I may have missed but still those were just free resources.
The real test now will be enrolling in courses simultaneously for an actual degree. Yes, I started the process and will be actually going for one shortly. This will be good. I know it will take a lot of effort and a lot of time but it will be amazing once it is all said and done.
So if you don’t hear from me that’s probably why.
I do want to keep posting here about WordPress things I do find and come across as well it just will be a bit longer now.