Clearly it’s been way too long since I posted anything on this site. To be honest I haven’t really been looking at posting here. I haven’t had much to do with code and every time I do even open the admin a lot of the time it is to update a plugin or two. I do know that I should dive back into the code since so much has changed. At least in the WordPress realm it has.
I do still visit the forums to at least try and release some of the pending posts because that’s one of the few things that doesn’t take much time for me. I think the last post reply I made was for one that was closed shortly after too which wasn’t much help other than providing a link to some docs.
I haven’t really been too inspired to look at code and that’s been a little odd. It’s also been somewhat nice in that I don’t have to stress as much about it for work but I do like writing code when I can.
There have been other updates though that I’m sure I could probably post here at one point. The one being the update to the bartop arcade I am building. I’ll probably keep that one to the random blog though as it is more focused outside of code and it was a random thing I felt like finally making. I do need to take plenty of photos and get a few other things to really call it finished. The only reason I can think to add it here is because I’ll be making a smaller one using a Raspberry Pi that I hope to modify so it will load up to a specific game once it gets turned on. It will be at least a one line change too so not sure if that would be totally worth it.
I do still want to create a random plugin though using Gutenberg. Maybe when I do have more time I’ll try to do a small dive and learn the API of that but for now I’ll have to resort to trying to read other things.
Maybe even see if I can find a random online course again that seems interesting for me.