Category: Blogging
Always a work in progress
Yesterday I was able to change out the theme to this site. I spent most of the day just fiddling and trying to get things to just work. I took a theme from the free repository and scrapped a lot the unused files. Yeah. There were quite a few that I didn’t really need. Many…
Extra or missing characters
The other day I was tinkering with a random test site and was driven to near madness. Why? I kept forgetting to add the ending semicolon. Every single time. It wasn’t that I would miss the key stroke it was that I just legit didn’t press the thing. I spent a minute or two every…
Keeping count of reviews
I hate posting this but I have to do it; sort of a status check for myself. To see where I stand and where I can be better. We all do it. I choose to do it publicly. I can’t recall when I said I wanted to have my review count to be at 500…
Making a few commits
Let me give you a little bit of a back story first. 2 years ago I began posting on the forums to help people out. I would only post on things that I knew for sure I knew the answers to or would help out. It felt like it at the time. Who knows…
WordPress 3.6 in April
The most recent version of WordPress got delayed but I feel it is for the good. The reason this time is because the features are not quite the way the community would like. There are some minor issues but will be fixed within the time span. The reason I’m pretty pumped about this next major…
Theme reviewing
I recently got a chance to assign my own themes in the WordPress Theme Trac in order to review submitted themes. I am beyond elated and feel a little honored at the same time. Some people may not understand what that means to me but I’m not too worried about that. What this means to…
One more week
Earlier today when I got home from work I did my usual routine of updating to the most current development version of WordPress, made sure all other applications were up to date and opened up my code editor (Notepad++) to view and edit my theme files. Since I was wide awake I tried my hand…
My new addiction
No, not a drug; although some people may consider it a drug. Over the last few weeks I have been more driven to learn about web development. One of the things that I have learned is to document everything. I pretty much have tried to document every little detail of my learning process and I…
My WordPress theme
I finally, finally got the ball rolling on what will be my theme and theme structure for this site! I am so excited about this. After having read so many posts about templates, CSS, OOCSS, SaSS, PHP and just about any random acronym you can possibly think of I finally have a name for the…
Keeping WordPress on my mind
With WordPress being a great blogging software some people often forget that it can also double as a good CMS. (Content Management System)