Tag: wordpress
My 500 and counting
The beginning of the year I promised myself that I would try to review 500 themes by the end of the year. I finally managed to reach that point and was super ecstatic about it that I just had to tweet about it: Now that I've completed my 500 #WordPress theme reviews, I'm gonna shoot…
Making a Portable Object Template for your WordPress theme or plugin
Yes, a bit of a lengthy title but I feel will get the point across and it is after all what I’m wanting to share with you today. A what now? A .pot ( or a Portable Object Template ) file is what WordPress uses and many PHP programs use for translation purposes. There are…
Keeping count of reviews
I hate posting this but I have to do it; sort of a status check for myself. To see where I stand and where I can be better. We all do it. I choose to do it publicly. I can’t recall when I said I wanted to have my review count to be at 500…
Organizing all the media
Yeah, media. I love it. Most people live it and some are just indifferent about it. Blah! Is what I say to them. The reason I say it is because I love entertainment. Surprised? Don’t be. I am super easily amused. Like super easy. Like two-year-old easily. A little history The last couple of months…
Forget your incentive
For some time the Theme Review team was doing fairly good when it came to keeping the ticket count down. Part of that was because those that got more reviews done for the month would get rewarded. A reward? Why yes. A reward for reviewing themes. A lot. I figured why not? Sounds like a…
Making a few commits
Let me give you a little bit of a back story first. 2 years ago I began posting on the WordPress.org forums to help people out. I would only post on things that I knew for sure I knew the answers to or would help out. It felt like it at the time. Who knows…
Child theme friendly post-formats
It’s no surprise I will always preach the making of child themes. Part of the reason is because you can make modifications without losing all that when it comes time to update the parent theme. I mean nothing more exciting than having to recall what files you changed, what code you added, deleted to brighten…
Getting the image count in WordPress
A long time ago I had a bit of an issue on how to get the image count from a post. At the time there wasn’t a way that I could think of to properly getting all the needed information; but then again I didn’t know as much as I do now. I wanted to…
Using a post as a menu item
Truly a neat little find for many people. I know when I saw this for the first I was beyond astounded. It does seem a little odd to use one but there are some random cases when it can be useful. Rather than having to use a page you can use a post. Granted it…
You don’t know text
Okay, maybe you do but what I’m talking about is a different kind of text. I’m talking about text strings in PHP code. Text strings What are they? Why do they matter? Well, they matter in themes that you want to make public or share. Oh, and plugins as well, I guess. If you’re into…