I don’t remember when I did this but I did find it a little funny. I wanted to install SVN on my Windows machine because I clearly like to torture myself. Right?

Okay, but really.

I wanted to install it because WordPress is still using it for now. I do think it is a good tool to learn first when getting started with version control. Or really any version control system for that matter before jumping into Git. That’s me saying that.

Anyway. As I was glossing over the pages I had to try and recall what I had done the first time I had even done that. I had to think back to 2011. Yeah. That long ago when I actually tried to do that. At least I think it was. Might have been a little later but around that time.

I couldn’t recall what I had used to I did the super trusty method. I overflowed that stack and then recalled that I used TortoiseSVN.


Super easy and not hard to install. I ran the thing and boom went that dynamite. I had SVN installed on my computer. I opened up my Git bash instance and tried to checkout the trunk repo and was met with failure. The command wasn’t recognized.

I swear, I had done it right.

I look up the path settings. It wasn’t there. So I try to add.

Nothing. Still fails.

I restart the computer because you know support and resetting things.


Okay. Now what?

Had I actually missed something?


I clicked the installer again and began to read all the screens. Yes. All of them.

And yep. I had missed something.

I forgot to click the add command line checkbox.


Let me repeat that. I read all the screens.

Yeah, even I will sometimes forget to actually check the things.

Oh well. The good news is that SVN is running fine and I can break my machine even more with