Year: 2015

  • Fun with template tags: header, footer, sidebar, and template_part

    Yes, does look like a lot but they all share a few things in common. Not just the fact they have a do_action before the file is loaded but they also use locate_template in order to load the file. The functions look fairly similar: The slight difference is get_template_part. Now, what’s pretty neat is that…

  • My lack of creativity

    This is a sore subject in the dot org world currently and it makes me laugh as I read all the comments. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it was a decision to use the customizer as the basis of all theme options that are hosted in‘s free repo. The reason I…

  • Working with the WordPress Customizer

    Recently the Theme Review Team chose to make the customizer as the format of creating theme options. I love it! Yes, I was in favor of it. I have my reasons. I know there are some people that still don’t fully grasp the customizer and most likely won’t. All good! Some take a little more…

  • Fun with template tags: comment_form

    This time I’ll focus on the comment_form(). Neat, fun and with plenty of hooks and filters. The code Like usual we will look at the core code of the comment_form. There are approximately 230 lines of code that make up this template tag. Does sound like a lot, right? Yes, but when you look a…

  • Fun with template tags: comments_template

    On my last post I talked about dynamic_sidebar and some uses. It was a fun little experiment I wanted to do and share. Yes, I said experiment. That is how I learn. I read, do and then share. I know I’m not the only one that does that. This time I dabbled with comments_template(). Yes,…

  • Fun with template tags: dynamic_sidebar

    The last couple of weeks I’ve been reading the core code more and more. I like it. Came to the conclusion I really don’t know every hook or filter. I don’t claim to though. I like knowing enough to make a functional theme or even a plugin. Yes, I’ve been recently dabbling with one but…

  • Using the_post_thumbnail

    For some time I’ve noticed one thing that many people like doing. Recreating core functions. One being the_post_thumbnail(). The reason it drives me crazy is because it means maintaining more code in your theme. Why would you do that to yourself? One of the common things is to wrap it in a conditional check and…

  • Re-adding downloads



    Finally managed to get a lot of the photos I wanted to share uploaded to this site. In the following days and weeks, I will try to keep adding random photos. I shoot with a Nikon D200 so if you are a camera snob and or a Canon fanatic I will ask you to leave.…

  • JavaScript in PHP

    Lately I’ve been seeing a few themes that like to include and devote an entire file to JavaScript. There is a reason I don’t like this. Biggest one is because it creates bad practices. Yes, I understand you want to pass some variables between the two languages but there are better ways. What’s super cool…

  • Displaying multiple pages on one

    Every so often I come across a theme or an implementation I like and wonder how it is being done. I like to dig behind the scenes on themes and see how they do things. Taking things apart to see how they work is a great way to learn. One neat little tidbit I learned…