Month: May 2013

  • Creating a custom comment list

    What? Comments. That is the topic. As some may know I’m in the middle of creating a WordPress theme to submit to the repository. I want this theme to not only pass but to pass with flying colors. I followed about as close to how the default themes are but have also integrated some from…

  • I will always be a novice

    I know it does sound funny to those that have known me for several years but that is how I view myself sometimes. I don’t mean that I am a beginner but I want to be one. I mean this in the most positive way I can think of. A few years ago I was…

  • Creating a sticky post slider

    Brief background Creating a slider is simple. For some. In WordPress there are a lot of ways to creating a post slider, image slider, category slider and just about any type of slider you could possibly imagine. The one I wanted to share is creating one with sticky posts. You know the ones that you…

  • Issues with my_query

    Recently I was in the middle of creating a theme that had support for a front page and blog with featured posts that displayed in a certain manner. I read up on how to create a new WP_Query and felt pretty confident I would be able to get the desired results. Yeah, I was a…