As I’ve mentioned in some previous posts I’ve been diving back to working with some Python code. It’s been kind of fun. At the moment it really has just been a ton of copy and pasting and things just work. Which is great because it means that their code works. I think the thing I need to focus a little more on is why it works.
This is just how my brain works.
I have to understand how and why it works. I also know that I need to be able to better focus on things and that’s one thing I’ve been slowly getting better at. Over the last two or three years I’ve used music as a background noise to keep from being distracted. It’s helped some. There are times when I do get sidetracked and I do catch myself. Again. Good. I’m aware I’m doing it so that’s good. Progress.
I do need to find some time to sit and read the Django docs more so I can better understand how it does the magic it does. I wish I had the patience to really dive into the entire code base but I just won’t be able to look at it all. I know I won’t.
I’ll have to share my random findings and things I do on here when I do remember to do that. It’s been pretty fun just typing out code that I haven’t used in nearly a decade though. I think that’s one of the reasons I really liked diving back to Python. I know a lot has changed since I last tried to learn it and it’s always going to be changing too. Just like PHP. And JavaScript.
One of these days I’ll find a good rhythm to me learning and keeping up with things like that.