The other day I made mention that I wanted to move my site to Digital Ocean. The more and more I think about it the more I really want to be doing it too. The big part of that being cost. I don’t use this site for other than blogging about some of the things I learn and other possible random developer-esque thoughts that come to mind.
In order for this to really happen I need to set a goal for myself other wise I may not get to it.
Yes, I have to outline steps I need to take too. This helps me out in seeing how far along I am and what’s left to do. The funny part about this is that I know I probably won’t list off all the things but it will at least give me a good guide for what needs to be completed.
One of the first things I do need to do is create the droplet. That’s the easy part since it’s just a few clicks. I will need to update DNS stuff which is also fairly easy since it will mostly be copying and pasting values from one screen to the other. I know I will need to cancel the account on Dreamhost as well once I do get it setup. I’ll need to test things out in some way to make sure I’m not totally breaking my site.
If I do break it I’m not too worried about it. Again, this is all for personal use and I’m not really in a huge hurry either. I’d rather get the process correct anyway so I can possibly document it later on. I’m sure there are others who have made the change over as well and I’m pretty sure there will be others who may want to do the change as well.
There really may not be one since, again, I’m not really in a huge hurry to get this done. I would like to get it done before my birthday though. That really gives me a good five, six months to get it all done. That sounds like a lot of time but the thing too is that it can quickly pass. This year has been a bit of an example of that too. It feels like only two days ago I began working at a new place but really it’s been 6 months.
I’ll need to get more done too in the next two weeks so that I can keep the momentum actually going when I do start the process. I’m giving myself two weeks to get the droplet spun up so I can test things out. Then I’ll probably do two weeks getting the actual site moved over correctly. And finally two weeks to get the account closed out.
I’ll need to get moving on this too because I really have held out in doing it for too long now. I’ve been thinking of moving on for nearly two years but never looked too deep until recently. This will be a fun experience though.