I finally took the plunge and started a Droplet. Okay, two but one was destroyed. Both were a good lesson on how things sort of work too. The first one was a simple Ubuntu installation to get familiar with how to connect and what it does. The second was a WordPress based droplet Digital Ocean has available
While messing with things I was able to break it a few times. The first was trying to get the PHP version updated to something other than 8.0 which is what it starts off with. The second being the more fun one for me because it’s the database. I installed the MariaDB server and forgot to make a backup of the table. Which then resulted in the following

Yeah, that’s where I’m now at with the new site location. Again, this is all for personal learning and some experience. It’s been weird messing with the command line again but I love it so far. It really has been a long time since I dabbled with that too.
The other thing I was able to get done was updating all the links on the site to use https
since for some reason not all the links were using the secure protocol. To be honest I’m not sure how long that has been the case either. I updated it because I want things to work when I make the migration to the new server too. I do still have quite a bit of learning and diving to do in order to get this site up on the new instance over at Digital Ocean. Really hoping I can get this done in a timely manner but we’ll see in the coming months, I guess.
For now, I’ll keep chipping away on how things work using the command line and making sure I do remember to post things as I go.