The progress of my theme is decent. I have been learning how to work with Git and SVN more and more. I did recently have a little conversation with @ipstenu on Twitter about learning version control. Yes, I am still learning how to harness the power of simple commits and getting the hang of how to use branches and tags.
Which brought me to my main point: tutorials.
People on the web have dozens and dozens of them. Some are better than others and some are just beyond outdated. I was looking for a tutorial on how version control works using SVN. You would think I would find at least five. No. I found links talking about how SVN works but no real tutorial.
@ipstenu asked me if I could find one noob friendly tutorial. Of course I couldn’t. True, there wasn’t one. Yet. I have been contemplating creating a simple tutorial on how to use TortoiseSVN in a local setup. Sounds simple, right? Yes and no. The writing is a simple thing but taking all those screenshots to go with that will be a task in itself. I know I’m capable of it I just now have to find the time. Keeping in mind that even my current knowledge is not that great but it should suffice for the time being.
One of the first things that I learned was ‘commit’ so of course that will be the first topic. Next in line is ‘branches’ and ‘tags. and how they work. That is one thing I still haven’t yet mastered through a GUI. Just takes me back to when I was in Junior High and learning about computers but that is another story.
Yes, tutorials have helped me understand certain things but often times I don’t really learn unless I put forth the effort. Learning by practice is a great method and a great way for me and others to learn as well. I just hope that I can get my tutorial written out so that people understand. Although this has given me an idea for a future post: translation.