Category: Life
Random hiccup
Today I decided to update my laptop because it’s been way too long since I touched it. I put on Goosebumps and managed to watch a few episodes. As I was updating the laptop I kept watch on the progress because that’s what we all do, right? I know I do. At the very least…
Making some firmware
The day has finally come. I was able to finally create the firmware for my waka keyboard. Safe to say I’m pretty happy about it. I think the hardest part for me was realizing that I could have done it much sooner and could have finished the build last week rather than having to wait…
Upcoming keyboard
Yes. I’m going to be building another one. This next one will be a 60% keyboard and will be a Bluetooth one at that. I’ve probably mentioned it a few times before but this week I finally went ahead and ordered the switches I will be using for the build. They are tactile switches and…
Upcoming project
The other day I went ahead and ordered a rework station. This was something I never though I would want to own. In high school I took an electronics class that I fell in love with. I learned about components and how to solder. I also learned a little bit about how to make PCBs.…
Little steps along the way
As I’ve mentioned in some previous posts I’ve been diving back to working with some Python code. It’s been kind of fun. At the moment it really has just been a ton of copy and pasting and things just work. Which is great because it means that their code works. I think the thing I…
Reading things again
Today I decided to try and install Django on my playground. Again. Not going to lie I did struggle a few times getting the admin to work but I was able to finally get it running. I’m pretty sure some of you may take a quick guess as to what happened but I’ll spare you…
Small win
Today I was able to set up my random playground subdomain and it’s using CloudFlare. The other day I was tinkering with it because I wanted to learn a little more. I had some issues here and there but I think that was in part because I was stressed for some reason. There really have…
Admitting temporary defeat
The other day I was trying to get Django up and running on my site. Not this one but on a my top level domain. It did not work. I failed. The first thing I encountered was a permission issue. That was my bad because I didn’t spell the username correctly. Yeah, that happened. Once…
Another song on the guitar
There is a song I always wanted to learn to play. I learned part of it and then moved on. That’s usually what happens with me and wanting to learn a new song. I finally sat down the other day and made an attempt to learn the second part. I do want to practice it…
Random guide in the future
Probably. To be honest this is one thing I did want to write out because it fascinates me. The subject being a random git guide. Well more of a tutorial that I wanted to write out. For some time I have been reading more and more about how git works and that’s been super great…