Year: 2023

  • That baby step


    in ,

    I finally took the plunge and started a Droplet. Okay, two but one was destroyed. Both were a good lesson on how things sort of work too. The first one was a simple Ubuntu installation to get familiar with how to connect and what it does. The second was a WordPress based droplet Digital Ocean…

  • Possible timeline



    The other day I made mention that I wanted to move my site to Digital Ocean. The more and more I think about it the more I really want to be doing it too. The big part of that being cost. I don’t use this site for other than blogging about some of the things…

  • Breaking things again



    Yeah, I do that quite a bit. The site was down for a bit on and off the last couple of days because of a fatal error. It was the Gutenberg plugin having some hiccups. It was fine since it wasn’t really required for it to be active on the site. I don’t need it…

  • Random changes here



    The other day I was messing around with some of my photos and decided to put some of those on this site for background images. It was time for an update I guess. It was also a small chance to dive into the theme editor. I am still trying to get familiar with how it…

  • Python code again



    The other day I wanted to dive back to doing random Python code because it’s been so long since I’ve looked over any of it and because I had a random subdomain that I setup to use Django to tinker with. That didn’t last very long. I tried to update the project only break a…

  • JavaScript objects are weird



    This is more of just a random thought that came to me today. It was thanks in part because I was thinking of a solution for something I was tasked to complete. This little task was to create a sort of date calculator. I could use either JavaScript or PHP to create it. I, of…

  • Hitting that wall



    The other day I was looking over some random courses because that’s what I do a lot I guess. It was more because I do want to dive back into the school thing and get either a certificate or a degree. The one that has been on my mind for quite some time is Software…

  • The newest version released thing



    Yeah, I don’t know. I felt like typing that out because too many things had to be updated. The first one being WordPress on this site which I’m not mad at since I am typically running the latest version. I have it set to use an alpha/beta version. Yeah, I’m crazy that way. The other…

  • Random hiccup



    Today I decided to update my laptop because it’s been way too long since I touched it. I put on Goosebumps and managed to watch a few episodes. As I was updating the laptop I kept watch on the progress because that’s what we all do, right? I know I do. At the very least…

  • Another rabbit hole



    Well the other day I was chatting online and there was a mention of learning something new by somebody. Because of course there was. I made note of never looking at this new thing and wanted to learn more about it, because it did sound interesting to me. This new thing is Device Tree Syntax.…